Live Out Nanny Jobs in Hackney

We have 23 Live Out Nanny Jobs in Hackney listed in our online childcare directory.

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London Borough of Hackney
Parent in London Borough Of Hackney

Usually responds within 5 minutes

London Borough of Hackney
Parent in London Borough Of Hackney

Usually responds within 2 days

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London Borough of Hackney
Parent in London Borough Of Hackney

Hello! I am a musician and mum to a five year old boy. We live in the Lower Clapton/Hackney Central area and I am looking for a warm & reliable person to help out doing ad hoc…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
London Borough of Hackney
Parent in London Borough Of Hackney

**June start live in position** We are a young family based in Hackney with a 2 year old and a 9 month old month oldmonth looking for an energetic nanny to help us care for our c…

London Borough of Hackney
Parent in London Borough Of Hackney

Hi there, We are looking for a part-time nanny share for 2 little boys, both aged one, on a Thursday. We'd like to start in mid October. Both families are based in the Victoria…

London Borough of Hackney
Parent in London Borough Of Hackney

I have a lovely daughter born in September 2023. My partner and I live near London Fields and are considering childcare options for when my maternity leave ends in August ‘24 onwa…

London Borough of Hackney
Parent in London Borough Of Hackney

Looking for a nanny for 10-20 hours max a week to care for 1 year old at her home while I work from home Childcare, feeding, changing baby. To only look after baby

London Borough of Hackney
Parent in London Borough Of Hackney

Hey there! Meet the family of four: William (4 years old), Sofia (3 months old), and their parents, Frederikke and Anders, originally from Denmark but have been living in London…

London Borough of Hackney
Parent in London Borough Of Hackney

Usually responds within 2 days

Dancing, laughing, nature loving family of 5 with 3 girls aged 6 / 5 and 2. Looking for morning help, Monday - Friday! Breakfast with the kids (3 girls 6,4,1). Get them ready an…

London Borough of Hackney
Parent in London Borough Of Hackney

We have a 6 year old daughter and 2.5 year old son We have a 6 year old daughter and 2.5 year old son

London Borough of Hackney
Parent in London Borough Of Hackney

Usually responds within 24 hours

Hi there, We are a young professional couple, with the need for someone to look after our 10 years daughter 2-3 days a week between 3:30p.m – 7pm. Mainly picking up from school a…

London Borough of Hackney
Parent in London Borough Of Hackney

Father of Alma, 9 month old baby Nursery, nanny services

London Borough of Hackney
Parent in London Borough Of Hackney

Based in De Beauvoir. We are a young friendly family with two parents who are both professionals with a 3 year old boy and a baby boy (10 months). We are looking for an after scho…

London Borough of Hackney
Parent in London Borough Of Hackney

Usually responds within 24 hours

My partner and I work intense jobs with varying and we need someone who is flexible in the afternoon/evenings. We have three children aged 3 and a half, 9 and 11. They all attend…

London Borough of Hackney
Parent in London Borough Of Hackney

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Parent to 2yo twin girls Hi! We’re Croatian/English couple looking for a Nanny to look after our 2yo daughters in Finsbury Park area (N4). Currently we’ll need a part time nanny…

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