Special Needs Experience Jobs in LONDON

We have 486 Special Needs Experience Jobs in LONDON listed in our online childcare directory.

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London Borough of Barnet
Parent in London Borough Of Barnet

Usually responds within 12 hours

1: 1 support for reception year - SEN experience needed Looking for SEN learning assistant in school setting for 4 years old. He is in reception year & the school (maisntream) is…

London Borough of Islington
Parent in London Borough Of Islington

Nature lovers. We are looking for a bubbly, reliable support. We only need support on Wednesdays 10-4pm I home educate my 10 year old, on Wednesdays I need him to be taken to a ho…

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London Borough of Newham
Parent in London Borough Of Newham

I have a son who is 4 year old with developmental delays. Hi My son is 4 years old, he has speech and language delays and developmental delays. We are looking for someone who can…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
Parent in London

London Borough of Redbridge
Parent in London Borough Of Redbridge

I have two daughters, 6 year old and 8 year old.

London Borough of Bexley
Parent in London Borough Of Bexley

Hello, I have a 6 year old son and 2 year old daughter and I’m looking for some extra help at home with a few things.. homework, cooking dinner, taking them to classes and babysi…

Parent in London

Passionate and energetic Need support on weekends to both give mum and dad a break whilst also help with our 3.5 year old who has a speech delay.

London Borough of Redbridge
Parent in London Borough Of Redbridge

I’m an easy going person male or female I don't mind Both my boys have autism do not talk or respond to their names scream a lot And u will have to control them not to hit thems…

London Borough of Brent
Parent in London Borough Of Brent

London Borough of Wandsworth
Parent in London Borough Of Wandsworth

We are looking for an experienced special needs nanny for our 5 year old girl. She is in reception class at a special needs school until 3:15 x 5 days a week so this role is for s…

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