After School Nanny Jobs in Milton Keynes

We have 35 After School Nanny Jobs in Milton Keynes listed in our online childcare directory.

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MG Musa
Milton Keynes
Mg Musa
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 5 minutes

I'm a busy mum working in corporate and living in MK. I would like school drop off services for my child from Oakgrove to Newton Leys.

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

i am married to beautiful and we both have an adoring daughter BABY SITTING A 1 YEAR PLUS (1 + YEAR OLD) CHILD AFTER NURSERY

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

2 girls , 11 and 5. Childminder needed for school run and childcare for two long days during the week. School run and childcare

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Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Family of 4 - two adorable high energy kiddos . We both work remote, chill and chatty professionals. Just moved here from USA so getting settled in to it all. We need help from 3-…

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

We are a family of 4 in Wolverton. Both of us work full time at home and in London some days. Our children are 9 (yr5 in Wolverton) and 3 (nursery in New Bradwell, starting school…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 4 hours

I live at home with my husband and two children aged 5 and <1 years old in Bedford. I will be returning to work after a wonderful maternity leave with my daughter. We have a happy…

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 24 hours

I am a mature, single, full time working parent. My boy’s health, happiness and education is my priority. Flexible childcare help required to support a full time working father, b…

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 12 hours

Hi we are a family of 5. I am a single Mum with 4 amazing children. We have some additional needs but nothing significantly challenging. We would like someone to collect from scho…

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 12 hours

Good day, I'm a single mother of 3 children and currently I'm looking for an experienced Ofsted registered Nanny/ Mothers help to assist me in caring for mainly my 6 year old dau…

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 3 days

Hi All,I am mom of 2 young kids(aged 3 and 7) . I am looking for a after school nanny to look out and take care of my girls for 2 hrs Tues,Wed,Thurs .

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Single father working full timr Collection of my son from Portfields School Newport Pagnell on a Monday and Wednesday I will collect him at 16.15pm

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

I am a lady 36 years of age looking for childcare. I have two children 9years and 6years, a girl and a boy. I am a a registered general nurse.I am looking for a baby sitter or n…

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

My son is 4, nearly 5. He is pre verbal and generally a very happy cheeky little boy Pick up from school on Mondays and Thursdays from bletchley at 3pm. Take him home and look aft…

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

I need someone to collect my daughter from Jubilee Wood in Fishermead at 3.30pm. I would be looking to pick her up around 6pm. Evie will is 9 years old in January. Term times onl…

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Hello, I’m looking for someone who does school pick up/ drop offs (school is in west Bletchley) and potentially having the children (7 year old twins) for few house in the evenin…

Milton keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 24 hours

I'm looking for someone to pick up my two children from school 3 or 4 days a week and then bring them back to our home until we return from work at about 5.30pm.

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