Live In Nanny Jobs in Milton Keynes

We have 13 Live In Nanny Jobs in Milton Keynes listed in our online childcare directory.

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Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

2 girls , 11 and 5. Childminder needed for school run and childcare for two long days during the week. School run and childcare

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Family of 4 . 6 and 4 year old . Mother at home always with 4 year old and 6 year old. Family of 4 . 6 and 4 year old . Mother at home always with 4 year old and 6 year old.

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 5 minutes

I have three children aged 11, 6 & 1. We are outgoing, friendly and caring people. I am looking for a regular babysitter/nanny who can help with childcare and the occasional scho…

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Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Hi I’m looking for a child minder to look after my 10 month old son from 12pm-5pm.

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

I am a lady 36 years of age looking for childcare. I have two children 9years and 6years, a girl and a boy. I am a a registered general nurse.I am looking for a baby sitter or n…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
Milton keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

I'm looking for a Registered Childminder, Live In Nanny, Nursery or Full Time Nanny.

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 3 days

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

We are family of three people. Me and my husband both are working and we have 17 months old daughter. Our daughter is 17 months old and she is very cooperative. We are looking fo…

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 5 minutes

James P
Milton Keynes
James P
Parent in Milton Keynes

Father of a 18 month old girl - we're looking for a babysitter(s) on Sat 18th June to look after our daughter at our home in MK whilst we go to a wedding!

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 5 minutes

I'm looking for a Cleaner, Household Help, Potty Trainer, Bedtime Nanny, Mothers Help, Nanny Share, Special Needs Experience, Full Time Nanny, Private Tutor, Part Time Nanny, Aft…

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 12 hours

My wife and I work for the United Nations and due to the nature of our work/travel require extensive support in caring for our daughter. We are an energetic and (relatively) young…

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