Registered Childminder Jobs in Milton Keynes

We have 305 Registered Childminder Jobs in Milton Keynes listed in our online childcare directory.

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Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Hi! We recently moved to MK and have a 13-month-old baby. We are looking into childcare options including childminders or nannies

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 5 minutes

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Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 30 minutes

First time mum looking to childcare from early next year when I return to work. I work as cabin crew so different shifts/days each week. I get my roster at the beginning of the mo…

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 5 minutes

I am a single mum of an adorable almost 3 year old. We both are adjusting to having just each other, we love going out for walks, enjoy trying new food and also watching movies to…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Working parents We need a child minder for our 17 months old daughter between 10.30 - 14.00 during the weekdays

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 2 hours

I'm a wife, parent, and online teacher. In need of a childminder that has a fun outdoor space and offers fun learning activities (sensory play etc).

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 5 minutes

My baby is 2 months old and I’ll be looking for a childminder for the beginning of 2025

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Hi, My name is Sabba, I am a mother to two beautiful kids. I need help with my 2 year old as I am caring for my 6 month baby. I would like someone to come to my home and look afte…

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 5 minutes

I’m a 20 year old mum to my 1 year old boy. We love going on walks to the park and seeing family and friends. I don’t currently drive so I’m in need of someone close or in Newton…

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 30 minutes

I am looking for a childminder to keep my niece who is 8 years old for a full week, Monday to Friday (15th-19th of July) from 8h30-9am to around 4h30pm. We want her to play and m…

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 2 hours

We are a family of three. I need a childminder for 6 my months plus baby. I am looking at 2 days per week.!

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Hey there. We are Harpreet and Rina(me in the pic) , late 30s with out precious girl Seerat living in Milton Keynes. Looking for someone to look after our 1 year old daughter (1…

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 2 hours

We have a 22 month old daughter, 9 year old daughter and thirteen year old son Childminder

MG Musa
Milton Keynes
Mg Musa
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 5 minutes

I'm a busy mum working in corporate and living in MK. I would like school drop off services for my child from Oakgrove to Newton Leys.

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 1 hour

Mum of twins boy and girl looking for childcare from October onwards I need someone at least 2 days per week 9-5 for my twins who will be 1 at the time. I live in Woburn Sands and…

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

Milton Keynes
Parent in Milton Keynes

I have a son born in September 2023. Looking for a part time childminder 3 days a week

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