Childcare near SL1 7HR

We have 654 childcare providers listed within 5 miles of SL1 7HR.

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3.5 miles
5 stars 4
Childminder in Wexham Court

Usually responds within 12 hours

I have set up my Tiney home nursery to provide childcare services keeping with the EYFS standards, where every child will be considered unique and ready to learn. I am working wi…

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3.5 miles
5 stars 4
Childminder in Maidenhead

I am a registered childminder living in maidenhead with my five children and my husband. I have three sons; one is 23 and just finished university, the other is 22 he also study…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
<1 mile
5 stars 4
Childminder in Slough

I am an Outstanding Ofsted registered child minder. I have 2 children of my own,15year old girl and 9 year old boy.My son attends priory primary school full time. I live in Bur…

2.8 miles
4.33 stars 6
Nursery Nurse in Slough

I am a qualified nursery nurse with experience of over 20 years I have worked in many settings including the NHS and the primary care trust both as a nursery nurse and as a commun…

4.3 miles
5 stars 3
Babysitter in Slough

Usually responds within 12 hours

My name is Shabnum, I am currently childminding, with many children in my care. Also provide babysitting service in the evenings. I am very experienced and absolutely love carin…

1.7 miles
5 stars 3
Childminder in Farnham Royal

Usually responds within 2 days

spaces available on Wednesday and Thursday hi my name is Charlotte I have been childminding for 12 years from my home in farnham royal. I have 4 children of my own Hayley 21 ma…

Nevena N.
3.9 miles
Nevena N.
5 stars 3
Nanny in Windsor

Usually responds within 2 days

Hello everybody, Firstly, I would like to say that I am very passionate about this kind of work as for me, it is not really work but a pleasure. Being around kids and having the o…

3.7 miles
5 stars 3
Nanny in Maidenhead

Usually responds within 12 hours

Dear Family, At present I don't have any availability. Will adjust my profile when this changes. Children's personal growth, inspired curiosity and happiness enjoy my highest prio…

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