Daytime Babysitters in Wiltshire

We have 306 Daytime Babysitters in Wiltshire listed in our online babysitting directory.

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5 stars 5
Babysitter in Trowbridge

Usually responds within 12 hours

Hello I am Josie; a friendly, motivated, fun-loving, qualified and experienced childcare provider. I have worked with children aged 0-18 for all of my adult life and have babysat1

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5 stars 5
Babysitter in Marlborough

Usually responds within 1 hour

Friendly, reliable and down to earth nanny. I have 17 years experience working with children. I've worked in nursery settings with all different ages, ranging from 8 weeks to1

5 stars 5
Babysitter in Swindon

Usually responds within 30 minutes

Not available at the moment.Thank you Dear families, My name is Vanessa, I'm an experienced 36 years old nanny and maternity nanny. I used to live in London for 7 years where I1

Little L
Little L
5 stars 5
Babysitter in Swindon

I am a registered Ofsted Childminder and I live in a lovely 3 bed semi-detached house (with a conservatory used for a play room) with my husband and two children.

4.8 stars 5
Babysitter in Melksham

Usually responds within 2 hours

NANNY AVAILABLE NOW Currently looking for 3 or 4 full days nanny work. I am happy and easy going and have always been found to be reliable, flexible and punctual. I am a non s1

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
5 stars 4
Babysitter in Devizes

I am a fun loving, responsible 26 year old female. I enjoy being outdoors in any capacity, and will walk for hours! Indoors I enjoy baking and doing puzzles or playing board games.

Hannah f.
Hannah F.
4.67 stars 3
Babysitter in Grange Park

I am a mother of two boy myself. One is 6 years old and he goes to lidyard Millicent primary school. My youngest son is 3, He's very happy and content child as my boys also have a1

5 stars 3
Babysitter in Calne

AVAILABLE FOR EVENING / WEEKEND BABYSITTING Hello, my name is Belinda and my children are now grown up . I live in the Chippenham area but I have a clean driving licence and willi1

5 stars 2
Babysitter in Amesbury

Usually responds within 2 days

I'm originally from Holland and moved to Woking (surrey) in March 2004 to work for a Dutch family as a nanny. I am leaving the lovely family i worked for for 3.5 yrs soon due to a1

4.5 stars 2
Babysitter in Trowbridge

I’m currently studying an MA in Inclusive Education, I have supported young people between the ages of 2 and 19 with their additional needs, I am looking for some casual jobs that1

4 stars 4
Babysitter in Swindon

Hi, I work part time in a design consultancy and i do have plenty of time to work as a nanny / babysitter.

5 stars 1
Babysitter in Widham

Usually responds within 3 days

I’m 25 and looking for some ad hoc nannying/ babysitting work to do on the side of my current job as a nursery assistant in a private school setting. I work predominantly with 6mo1

5 stars 1
Babysitter in Salisbury

I am a student at the University of Nottingham, currently at home in Salisbury until the end of January. I am friendly and enthusiastic with plenty of experience with childcare; I1

5 stars 1
Babysitter in Porton

Usually responds within 4 hours

Hi, my name is Charlotte I am 23 years old, a non smoker. I drive and I am comfortable around animals. I’m currently full on weekdays but I am available for occasional babysitti1

5 stars 1
Babysitter in Blunsdon

I am a single Mum to my 9 year old son. I am friendly, enthusiastic, reliable, hardworking, and flexible. I have high levels of energy, motivated, creative, nurturing, and sensiti1

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