Childminders in Chester

We have 30 childminders in Chester listed in our online childminding directory. You can narrow these results down to find the perfect childminder for you using the options on the search bar above.

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5 stars 2
Childminder in Chester

With nearly a decade of calling Chester my home, I'm thrilled to offer my services as a childminder. As a fellow mom to a wonderful toddler, I understand the importance of findin1

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
Hannah J
Hannah J
no reviews
Childminder in Chester

Usually responds within 12 hours

Thank you for your interest. We're full until 2026. Hello! Welcome to Joyfully Minded Childcare. Hannah is Chester based wife to aspiring clinical psychologist Nick, and mother o1

Tracy Ol
Tracy Ol
no reviews
Childminder in Chester-Le-Street

Hi, my name is Tracy I've been married to John for many years and have two grown up daughters. We have a secure garden with a playhouse. Since registering as a childminder I hav1

no reviews
Childminder in Chester

Usually responds within 5 minutes

I am currently undergoing a masters degree in child psychology. I have experiences with newborn and kids too. I love kids and I have and know my way around them . I am quite playf1

no reviews
Childminder in Chester

I am married and have 2 children, a 10 year old boy and an 8 year old girl. I am a registered Ofsted childminder. My house is a non-smoking setting and has been inspected by ofst1

no reviews
Childminder in Chester

Usually responds within 12 hours

I live with husband and 2 children 10 year old son and 13 year old daughter and pug named Lou, I previously worked in a preschool then started to Co childmind with my sister last1

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no reviews
Childminder in Chester

Usually responds within 3 hours

My name is Rachel and I have 2 sons. I have worked with children for over 18 years, working in a nursery before coming a childminder. I am reliable, good at time keeping, I have1

no reviews
Childminder in Chester-Le-Street

I live on my own ,childminding since 1998 ,lots of experience with children

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