Daytime Childminders near S74 8HJ

We have 53 Daytime Childminders listed within 5 miles of S74 8HJ.

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4.7 miles
no reviews
Childminder in Sheffield

Usually responds within 2 days

My name is Claire, I am an OFSTED registered childminder with a GOOD rating. I have been a childminder for 8 years and I love my job. I offer a friendly, caring, fun filled envir…

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4.8 miles
no reviews
Childminder in Sheffield

hello, my name is adele and i live in wincobank s9 area (close to meadowhall shopping centre) with my husband. I drop off/pick up from wincobank school, Concord school and Hinde…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
2.1 miles
no reviews
Childminder in Barnsley

Nanny to 3 little munchkins. Fun and enthusiastic. Always bright and cheerful!

Marion B.
2.6 miles
Marion B.
5 stars 5
Childminder in Wombwell

Usually responds within 24 hours

My name is Marion Bell, I live in Wombwell in a quiet cul de sac in a large , spacious semi detached house. I live close to local parks and Playgroups where children in my care ca…

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2.2 miles
no reviews
Childminder in Sheffield

I am a Ofsted registered childminder, Rated GOOD in my last inspection. My name is Nancy Hammonds I have been married for 15 years to my husband. I have 2 children, who are 13 an…

4.7 miles
no reviews
Childminder in Barnsley

Usually responds within 12 hours

I live local to Barnsley town centre. I attend our local playgroup several times a week. I provide a safe friendly secure environment for the children to play and explore. I'm a…

2.4 miles
5 stars 5
Childminder in Wombwell

Usually responds within 24 hours

My name is Emma Thorpe. I've been child-minding for 10years and I am Ofsted registered . I work along side my mum who is also a childminder. I have Three children of my own. I pr…

3.2 miles
no reviews
Childminder in Worsbrough

Usually responds within 12 hours

Hi, I'm Heather Bastow and I run Mrs B's Childcare. I'm 30, a wife and mum to a 4 year old. I am based at Worsbrough, Barnsley, down by the reservoir where we enjoy walks and visi…

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5 miles
5 stars 1
Childminder in Barnsley

-My name is sarah I'm a Tiney registered childminder based in lundwood. -I am a wife and mum to two girls. -I love been outdoors, walking my dog and spending quallity time with m…

2.8 miles
5 stars 2
Childminder in Sheffield

Usually responds within 24 hours

Hi my name is Sam Fisher, I live in Chapeltown, Sheffield with my husband and 2 children. I provide a caring, fun, home from home environment where children can enjoy a range of a…

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<1 mile
no reviews
Childminder in Barnsley

Usually responds within 2 hours

I’m Louise Kemp an early years professional, offering outstanding childcare services in and around the Barnsley Area.

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