Live Out Nanny Jobs in Newcastle Upon Tyne

We have 36 Live Out Nanny Jobs in Newcastle Upon Tyne listed in our online childcare directory.

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Newcastle upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

Usually responds within 5 minutes

Newcastle upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

Usually responds within 12 hours

We live in South Gosforth and have a little girl, 15months old and an old dog, 12 years old. Part-time nanny, Monday and Thursday approx. 8.30/9am to 3pm.

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These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
Newcastle upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

Usually responds within 12 hours

Hello, my name is Deepti, and I'm a working mother in an MNC. I have a 1-year-3-month-old baby girl, and this is my first child. I am originally from India and can communicate in…

Newcastle upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

childminder for pre-schooler

Newcastle Upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

I’m a single parent with 2 lovely children- girl (7) and boy (3). They love dancing, exploring outdoors and having fun. Need someone flexible to help me balance my job and childca…

Newcastle upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

Usually responds within 4 hours

I'm single mom and have 4 children- 15yo, almost 10yo twins and 7yo. I'm looking for a live out nanny or childminder (registration with ofsted is necessary) who can to take care o…

Newcastle upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

Mother to three boys age 6, 3 and 1. I work part time (four days a week) and my husband fulltime. We are both doctors in the NHS. Our boys are great fun, they love playing togethe…

Newcastle upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

I am currently URGENTLY looking for a reliable child minder who would be able to do drop offs in the mornings and pickups in the afternoon. There will be use of my personal vehicl…

Newcastle upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

We are a family of three , living in Great Park . I'm looking for a Live Out Nanny starting September 2022 . Looking for somebody reliable for my 8 yr old daughter . Job would in…

Newcastle Upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

We are a family of 5, with 3 boys aged 7, 5 and 2. We are looking for a nanny to look after our 2 year old at home on a Wednesday 9am – 6pm to include trips to activities/soft pla…

Newcastle upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

Chilean mum, recently relocated to Newcastle, mum of A 2 yeas old boy, pregnant. I need someone who can play with my son, so l can take care of the baby and some house work.

Newcastle upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

Newcastle upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

Usually responds within 24 hours

Mt name is Leanne, wife of Barry Overend and mammy to Gracie Overend who is 19 months on the 4th of March. Looking for Tuesday morning child care 3 hours every 2 weeks. 3 hours of…

Newcastle upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

Mummy of one, 18month old. Looking for a registered, trust worthy and reliable childminder to supervise my son within my home, flexible to join him in your area if practical.

Jo Lewis
Newcastle upon Tyne
Jo Lewis
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

Looking for a nanny for our two lovely children. A boy aged 10 in March and a little girl about to turn 2. She is walking and talking and is lots of fun. She loves going to classe…

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