Household Help Jobs in Newcastle Upon Tyne

We have 11 Household Help Jobs in Newcastle Upon Tyne listed in our online childcare directory.

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Newcastle upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

Two parents mother and father. Boy age 12 Girl age 10 various hours available during the week. After school in jlate June early July and during the day in school holidays. ch…

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Newcastle upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

Usually responds within 5 minutes

I am young mother 2 baby girls who are in care at moment and I have partner and we are good parent to girls and we love them so much My childcare requirements to get a job in nurs…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
Newcastle upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

Hi I’m Sharmi. We are a family of 3 - me, my husband Chris and our son Cameron who is 2. We live in Fenham and are both working. We are looking for someone who can support us in t…

Newcastle upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

We are a young family with 2 boys aged 3,5 and 15 months. Looking for a parttime nanny, Baby sitter and house hold help

Louise D
Newcastle upon Tyne
Louise D
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

We live in Dubai with our 1 year old girl and 4 year old boy. We are back in Newcastle during Christmas/new year and June - August to be with our family (where we grew up). Right…

Newcastle upon Tyne
Parent in Newcastle Upon Tyne

Usually responds within 5 minutes

There's me, my wife and 2 small children in household. My wife is expecting a baby late December as well. I work fulltime and we need someone to help keep house for us, attend to…

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