Childminders who provide 3 and 4 year old Funded Childcare Entitlement in Surrey

We have 447 Childminders who provide 3 and 4 year old Funded Childcare Entitlement in Surrey listed in our online childminding directory.

Please read our Safety Centre for advice on how to stay safe and always check childcare provider documents.

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5 stars 13
Childminder in New Malden

Usually responds within 30 minutes

1, 2 & 3-YEAR-OLD FUNDING OFFERED - SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY... Hi, I am an Ofsted registered Childminder and a mum of two precious children (a boy and a girl) one in Tiffin School…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
5 stars 5
Childminder in Farnham

Usually responds within 1 hour

I offer a 'home from home' environment for the children I look after. I have a large enclosed garden with various garden toys. Children can enjoy arts and crafts, and music time.…

5 stars 2
Childminder in Farnham

Usually responds within 2 hours

* Spaces available * Hi, my name is Caroline and I run Brown Bears Childminding from my home in south Farnham. I'm a caring, reliable and committed Ofsted registered childmind…

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5 stars 2
Childminder in Horley

Usually responds within 24 hours

My childminder setting is called Bunnikins. I know first hand just how hard it can be to leave your child in someone else's care, and I want to assure you that your little one wil…

5 stars 10
Childminder in Spelthorne

Usually responds within 12 hours

Hello, I am an experienced Ofsted registered childminder from Sunbury. I have the N.N.E.B diploma (1990), N.V.Q level 4 in Childcare and nursery management qualification, I am a…

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