Childminders who provide 3 and 4 year old Funded Childcare Entitlement in Derbyshire

We have 171 Childminders who provide 3 and 4 year old Funded Childcare Entitlement in Derbyshire listed in our online childminding directory.

Please read our Safety Centre for advice on how to stay safe and always check childcare provider documents.

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4.67 stars 6
Childminder in Erewash

Usually responds within 12 hours

Hi I am Alannah, I Live with my fiancé Chris and our two daughters 6 year old and a 9 year old. We have a cat, he tends to keep out the way. I live next to a number of parks and…

S Bull
no reviews
Childminder in Denby Village

Koala Club: Denby village I have been a childminder for 6 years ,my husband is my assistant we have 2 older children 24 and 21 ,always worked in a school setting and love working…

5 stars 2
Childminder in Ilkeston

**Two spaces for 2, 3 or 4 year olds will become available in September 2023 on Mondays, Thursdays & Fridays. These are all day or during school hours spaces.** **Availability as…

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Childminder in High Peak

I’ve been a childminder for over 20 years I live with my husband & 2 Adult boys

no reviews
Childminder in Chesterfield

Im a mum of two children aged 3 and 7 and been married for 10 years. Im a scout leader and used to run a messy play group. Im also a national trust member and like using it to ga…

These search results have been produced from information provided to us by our users. We have not verified or confirmed the accuracy of any of the information and members should undertake their own vigorous checks and references. Please ensure you read our Safety Advice and information on how to Check Childcare Provider Documents.
no reviews
Childminder in Derby

Usually responds within 24 hours

I’m 55yrs old, have two grown up children of my own. I have been a childminder for 28yrs. I am based in Shelton Lock Derby.

Claire W
Claire W
no reviews
Childminder in Hilton

Usually responds within 30 minutes

Hi, my name is Claire Wilson and I am a registered Childminder. I live with my husband David and have 2 boys aged 5 and 3. I live in a spacious, detached house in the beautiful vi…

no reviews
Childminder in Castle Gresley

I am a mum of two children I have only ever worked with children, this has been in Nurseries, schools and as a Nanny,then since 2006 as a childminder. I love being out doors and…

no reviews
Childminder in Derby

Usually responds within 2 days

Hi! My name is Lucy and I am mum to my three boys, who are 10, 4 and 2. I live in Chaddesden, Derby with my husband, our children, dogs and chickens. We live for the outdoors…

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